
Community Partner Spotlight: Austin Folnagy, housing placement

Community Partner Spotlight: Austin Folnagy, housing placement

Finding affordable, safe, quality housing is a challenge for a lot of people in Eugene and broader Lane County, but especially so for youth with limited rental history and sometimes criminal history. So it is particularly special to Looking Glass when a local community member agrees to long-term rental partnerships. Austin Folnagy is the most recent example of a willing and supportive landlord who enthusiastically embraces the opportunity to rent an entire complex to Looking Glass youth.

“It’s a way to give back, for sure,” Folnagy explained. “It’s a business, for sure, but by working with Looking Glass in this way, it’s a way to do good in our community too.”

Community Challenge: Apartments for Rent Needed for Homeless Youth

Community Challenge: Apartments for Rent Needed for Homeless Youth

Through the Rapid Rehousing Program, Looking Glass assists with rent for up to 2 years to provide homeless youth with secure housing along with mediation and ongoing case management support. Currently, we have 5 clients awaiting the opportunity to get off the streets and into housing, due to a shortage of property managers willing to rent to our clients. We need your help.