2020 Looking Glass Volunteers of the Year - Pam Gutierrez & Doris Hicks, Unity of the Valley Church

2020 Volunteers of the Year, Pam Gutierrez & Doris Hicks in front of Looking Glass’s McKay Lodge Building

2020 Volunteers of the Year, Pam Gutierrez & Doris Hicks in front of Looking Glass’s McKay Lodge Building

Unity of the Valley began an outreach to Looking Glass Residential Services in November 2019. They provide a weekly celebration service based on the outline of Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.) meetings. Prayer shawls are provided to all participants and some of their family members. Since the end of June, Unity of the Valley has also provided an evening Zoom Prayer time when the teens are able to connect one-on-one with a chaplain.

When asked about the role these services play in the recovery of the youth in these programs, Pam Gutierrez said “I think it gives them some hope and security in their future. We tell them ‘you are not your past – there is a different way of being than before you arrived here.’”

Pam and Doris also offer art projects and sing with the youth. “They asked us to sing with them,” Doris explained. “We weren’t necessarily planning to sing, but the kids kept asking to sing together, so we started doing it.”

“Pam and Doris, and other volunteers that serve AYS youth bring so much hope and happiness to program,” Looking Glass AYS Director Maleigha Myers said. “They meet every youth where they are at, and provide them unconditional positive regard. We are incredibly thankful for their flexibility as the youth come and go, and the dedication they demonstrate to improving the lives of our young people.”

Pam is a Minister in Training and long-time volunteer with the youth team at Unity of the Valley and the NW Region. Doris is a new member of Unity who was looking for a volunteer work opportunity after retirement from her career as teacher and librarian. Looking Glass is extremely thankful to them and the other members and supporters from their church. In July, the music ministry joined the team of volunteers.